Sunny and I

Sunny and I

Sunny and I

Sunny and I

Juicy in his 15 minutes of fame on the stripper pole.

Juicy in his 15 minutes of fame on the stripper pole.

Cole and his donk

Cole and his donk

Cole and Gunther

Cole and Gunther

Monday, December 13, 2010

Damn it...

I know where all my halters are. I know where my lead ropes are. I know where all of my bridles, saddles, brushes, polo wraps, lunge lines, horses, pink clippers, eskadron boots, vet wrap, needles and syringes, dogs, child, gloves, jackets, Baker blankets, etc. are. But where are my car keys??????

1 comment:

Louise said...

Uh, same place as your favorite scissors? Hi Sabrina, I just had to post and tell you that your ads on Craig's List crack me up. And, when someone told me that you had a blog, well, I just had to come over and see what it was all about. By the way, you ought to take a look at the Chronicle of the Horse forums. Your ads are a big hit there.

I'll be adding your blog to my blog list, for sure.